What's Minimalism?

Are you a minimalist?

Do you know what minimalism is?

A while back, I posted photos of my parents house and called it minimalist. One of my favorite architects (and people) pushed back. “Minimalist? It’s too big to be minimal.”


It really made me question my definition of minimal. I went into crisis mode. Do I even know minimalism? Do I even know architecture?? 

An architecture friend calmed me down (thanks Carter!) but I still find myself thinking about it. So here it goes…

Minimalism is purposefully deciding what’s worth your time, money, and space. Designing efficiencies into these things and rejecting the crap that doesn’t serve you. The result is freedom to pursue whatever gives you joy.

BUT, as my friend said, there is no “correct” definition of a word like minimalism. Every minimalist has their own interpretation of the word. 

My definition is above. But I also like The Minimalists elevator pitch

Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution.

My minimalism gives me more time with my family, more money, and more time to snowboard, ride bikes, and practice yoga.

And although it’s large, my parents’ house is minimalist because we fit a BUNCH of utility into a relatively small space. Their minimalism meant efficiently designing a space that gives them the freedom to throw parties, work from home, and host the family Christmas gathering. 

Also, their home is free of clutter. Giving their brains some freedom to relax.

Are you a minimalist?

Do you try to keep life simple? 

What does your minimalism give you?