Four Reasons your House Hated the Holidays

 1. Where do all those gifts live?

I’m an organization freak and post-Christmas is PEAK organizing time for me. If you’re fortunate, you’ll have a bunch of new stuff to put away. Take this opportunity to purge things you don’t need. In my case, lots of unused kids toys and clothes will be passed along to friends, donated, or sold. Plus some of my favorite knick knacks will be put in storage, ready for that one day when we live in a slightly bigger house.


2. Your kitchen is overworked.

Even if you didn’t host guests, you probably cooked and baked more in the last 6 weeks than you do the entire rest of the year. This is a great time to think about what would have been nice to have. A bigger table? Two ovens? More space around the island? Always keep future plans in mind, even if it could be a while (see #3 below).


3. Those upgrades will have to wait.

You spent money on gifts and perhaps your coffers are lower than normal. Too bad house, that remodel you so desperately need is going to have to wait!


4. It didn’t get enough alone time.

Your family probably had time off work and school which means they were spending extra time in the house. Your heaters were on, bathrooms and floors saw all kinds of traffic. Your house is dirty and tired, all it really wants is some quiet time and a bath. Maybe I’m projecting here…

In any case, I hope you are all recovered from the holidays and are enjoying a cozy, quiet winter.

If the holidays made you realize that your house needs help, contact me!